Alright, I have been faithfully watching Dance Moms since it began about 3 months ago. I hurry home Wednesday nights so that I can flip on my DVR and watch the newest shananagons of the Abby Lee Dance Company... but I didn't want to post on it until I had more to grasp then just a few episodes. I've come up with some conclussions:
1. these mothers are bat shit crazy. I mean, I've got to be honest with you... If one of the mothers in my studio acted like that to me they'd be out on their ass before they even had time to close their mouth. I'm praying that some of this is scripted for ratings because these woman say some of the dumbest things ever.
2. Cathy... come on REALLY?! She puts a bad flip on all dance studio owners simply because she's a nut job. Who the hell has time to look on the schedule of a competition, steal a song, and teach your dancer (who sucked anyway) a new solo?! And NEWSFLASH: your daughter doesn't want to dance... she's gonna end up hating dance and you!
3. Debate: do you think these kids have learned these dances ahead of time, and for ratings they're saying their learning new ones? I hope so... I just don't get the point of stressing out the kids and parents like that.
4. WHO THE HELL IS PAYING FOR ALL OF THIS???? I have some amazing moms that have no problem shelling out $50 for rhinestones on a costume, or traveling to a nationals every few years, or paying for extra rehearsals, but traveling 5 weeks straight all over the country?! And who lets their kids skip this much school? More importantly, does anyone feel like they always arrive at competition like 10 seconds before they're supposed to dance... get a clue ladies, MOVE YOUR CALL TIME UP!
5. I've saved this one for last: I think Abby Lee is brilliant. I truly believe in my heart that she's doing what's best for those kids... she just doesn't always "deliver" it in the best way. The only thing I really disagree with is her little pyramid system... other then that, she's my idol :) She's producing brilliant performers who are working after they graduate... if that's not what you want for your kid, or you think it comes at too high of a price in time and finances and emotional strain: GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. Every studio owner is not right for every student... if you don't like her product, don't purchase it... but you also can't expect the results she gives.
There... I feel better now.
Happy Friday :)
11 years ago