Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some pretty talented kids...

This is sort of going to look like I'm reposting my post from last week around this time... however it's most certainly ANOTHER competition that ATB rocked at. 

If I honestly had to list all of the amazing awards we won we'd be here all day... so I'll highlights some of them:

First of all we won the highest honors possible: the Sportsmanship award.  We were voted on by the staff of the competition on the friendliness of our staff, the sincerety of our dancers, and also on following the rules of the competition.  It is one of the best awards, because it's not saying we're great dancers, it's saying we've raised great human beings.  The kids were all so happy to have won this award.

We also took home 6 choreography awards, just a testiment to the amazing people I have working for me :)  This is just part of the "Dream Team"  This is the part that was up at the crack of dawn getting kids dressed and ready!  Love them...

We also won the Most Entertaining award for Fame... they looked like little kids when they announced their names... they were jumping up and down like crazy people :)  They sure were entertaining... I'm not really talking about on stage however!

This is just an amazing picture of Alyssa and Paige's duet... wow what a moment, huh?

These are my little "Boyfriend's Back" terds... could they be any cuter?  And they won Katie and I a choreography award... love them

Well, the divas won AGAIN.  I'm starting to think I may have to buy stock in Whitey's if these girls keep it up.  They seriously rocked it out this weekend and they were so proud of themselves.  They should have been proud- each of them won their solo divisions too.  Kayla took overall intermediate jr soloist and Paige took overall Elite jr soloist.  I make sure to let them know they're really not that good yet :)  Gotta keep them working hard...
Paige's solo to I Will Rise... gorgeous moment :)
Kayla's gorgeous baby face with her trophy after her win :)

These angels are "Hallelujah" and they won overall jr. small group of the weekend.  They were so unbelievably amazing.  The choreography by Miss Sara was breathtaking (it also won a choreography award).  They were beautiful as always :)

These little "terds" are Shake a Tailfeather and they won Petite Jr. duet/trio of the weekend.  They are so dang cute I can't even stand it!

And these big terd won Sr. duet/trio of the weekend... good work ladies

Here's just some fun pics from the professional photographer:
The Dance

Tangled Up In You

Our entire team, relishing in the glory of being so dang successful!  We're so proud of all of you girls!

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