Some days I just want to let people know how thankful I am for them. So I'm going to attempt to do a Thankful Thursday every week until I've thanked them all... it may take til I'm 40, but that's okay :)
Today's tribute is to where it all began...
My parents have been the building blocks in which I've built my life upon. I grew up in the same town I live in today... for no reason other then I can't imagine living without them 10 minutes away. I grew up in a small but cozy condominium with my parents and sister. Both parents had amazing jobs that provided for every need and almost any want that I could possibly think of as we grew up. They put me in dance when I was just a two year old hellion, and if we've calculated correctly they could have bought a small island with the money they "invested" in my dance career. That still continues today as they are actively involved in my studio.
My mom is the diplomatic one... "Kimberly, let's weigh our options here..." She's the one I'd cry to in the car about how unfair the world is and I'd simply get the response "it's a tough lesson isn't it?". She was also the first one at bat for me if she felt it was necessary. She was the one who took me shopping for my Easter dresses, my prom dresses, my wedding dress, and now all of my children's clothes. She couldn't imagine for a moment anyone else being the one to experience that. She was the first person I told when I knew I loved Rob... she was the first person I told when I miscarried our "angel baby". She's been there through it all... every high and every low.
My dad is the spontanious one... "You're grounded until your 34!" He's the one who'd decide one morning we were going on an elaborate vacation and no one could stop him (he's still like that a bit... can you say YELLOWSTONE?) He was the parent that never asked me to talk about what had hurt my feelings because he knew when I was hurting and couldn't handle watching me cry. He was the one that would remind me quietly after he bought me ice cream not to let Mom know. He's the one that taught me that "tough times don't last, but tough people do" It's no secret I've always been a bit of a daddy's girl... until my kids came along and have nusseled their way into that spot of "opa's" heart :)
They are so different, but the best team of parents anyone could ever have. So on the first Thankful Thursday, I can't imagine thanking someone different. Thank you Mom and Dad for being a shining example of love, commitment, and compassion. If Rob and I can be half the parents you were, our kids are pretty dang lucky.
11 years ago
Don't know who's better at bringing me to tears... you or your sista!!!