Here's my schedule since New Year's Day... Normal teaching schedule and studio "stuff" schedule, Platinum season in full basketball swing til Feb 10th, I choreographed the North Scott musical, plus on the weekends I have had, January CRAZY rehearsal weekend, another crazy weekend of rehearsals and solo rehearsals, plus Maicey's birthday party, yet another weekend of solo rehearsals, competitive solo dress rehearsal and group recital, UDA nationals in Disney World, outside choreographers coming in for even more flipping rehearsals, our first competition in Cedar Rapids, our second competition in Davenport.... deep breath in.
This weekend I'm judging in West Memphis, Arkansas for Star Systems. Judging has always been one of my favorite parts of my job. I love traveling the country and seeing what new things are happening. New trends in costumes, choreography and teaching styles keeps me current and on my game and it also gives me a great chance for networking. I love giving advice and feedback as I know how important it is in this industry. It also gives me a chance to just get away from the crazy midwest and be a professional in this field. I don't necessarily love the 14 hour days, the hotel rooms, and especially being away from my heart and soul that's waiting for me at home. I keep thinking as the kids get older it'll be easier to leave them on these weekends because they'll understand. They'll be okay without me for a weekend... I'm wrong. As they grow it's becoming harder to leave them. I hear them on the phone asking me when I'll be home. I listen as they play and don't have time to talk with me because they're too busy having fun with Daddy while I sit alone in the hotel room. It's the hardest part of this job, but let me tell you, when I meet them at home tomorrow, it'll also be the best part. Absence only makes the heart grow fonder, right??
So when i arrive home tomorrow I have another full week of craziness. Catching up on business work, teaching classes for the week, sam starts tball on Tuesday, and then I judge again next weekend... But then, the glorious, well deserved, wonderous SPRING BREAK. I've vowed that no matter what I'm going to spend at least 75% of my spring break AT HOME, with my family, cleaning drawers in anticipation of warmer weather, and putting out Easter decorations, and just remembering what it's like to not be pulled in 49 different directions. I'm going to savor every moment because after that glorious week of break, I judge another weekend, two more weekends of my own kids competitions, another weekend of judging, EASTER!!!, evaluations and conferences, and then the craziness of summer can begin... I am so lucky I love my job.
Now I'm exhausted just thinking about it all. I'm gonna stop and try to take a breath before I get overwhelmed again...
11 years ago
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