I'm in the middle of Hell week... also know as choreography week 1. It's wonderful, I'm just sore and a little tired, and missing my kiddos a bit at this point. Anyway, even though this week is insanity, I had to post about Sam's comment this morning.
We're sitting on the couch and he says to me "Hey Mom, what's that black stuff in your eye?", I thought he meant my eyelashes to which he responded "Mom, I know what eyelashes look like... really there's something black in there!" so I of course go up to the mirror thinking there's something in my eye, and realize he's talking about my pupil... so I say "buddy, do you mean my pupil?!" and he gets a horrified look on his face and says "WHY IS THERE A PUKE BOWL IN YOUR EYE?!"
Oh Sammy :)
11 years ago
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