My blogging has SUCKED these past few weeks.
This thankful Thursday is not going to be about a person... it's going to be about a group of people. A group of people that has made certain that I don't pull every last strand of hair out of my head. "My People" as I've began calling them, consists of mothers and staff members in my studio and on my dance team and they have been ANGELS this week.
Let's begin with the fact that we had tryouts for my high school team last week and they didn't turn out as expected... no fear though friends, we made it work. After that tryout "my people" and I had a four and a half hour meeting to figure out how to make my life easier... angels I tell ya.
After that whole fiasco began this week. This is the week i call HELL on EARTH. It is Evaluation and conference week and with it comes hours and hours and hours of preparation and planning. With the help again of "my people" they have calmed me down and made me see that in a few days it'll be over... well sort of. These angels of mine are also gonna be here with me the entire weekend, so that makes it easier too :) On top of all of that we're having our non-competitive pictures tomorrow night AND the beginning of the year high school team parent meeting tomorrow night AFTER pictures... "My people" better have a large beverage ready and waiting when i am done with this weekend I tell ya...
So to "my people" (Jenny, Cindy, Rox, Pam, my lovely sister, and my wonderful mother) THANK YOU for helping me through :)
11 years ago
YOU are the reason I love my dance jobs. In addition, lets just be honest - if you're not happy, can all just fill in the blank! :)