Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I don't really remember a time in my life without this lady in it...
No one believes us now that Jenny was my dance teacher when I was a kid.  It's true, she looks amazing for being old enough to have taught me my entire dancing career, but it's true. 

As time has gone on our relationship has changed quite a bit.  When I was 7 she taught me dance.  She was always such a great teacher... very hands on and fun.  When I was 13 or so I became more then just her student.  She somehow conned me into being her personal assistant... aka I got to spend like every weekend doing Christmas shows at nursing homes, going to perform Luau's at a resort in Ottawa, IL, helping with the production of the Miss Iowa pageant, and pretty much any other crazy idea Jenny came up with.  At the age of 18 our relationship grew when i became her personal attendant at her wedding.  She convinced my mom that I should skip school for a day and go with her to do last minute things.  I'll never forget her looking at me in a panic screaming "I forgot Mary's flowers!!!!"  I also can't name too many other people that would go out in a monsoon on her wedding day to find umbrellas for everyone... At 19 Jenny gave me my first niece and our relationship blossomed even more... Between planning her entire baby shower and getting that phone call from Mike right after she was born I realized that this family was part of my life that I was so thankful for.  I got to watch Emma every Thursday until she was almost 4 years old and those were some of my favorite days ever :)  Somewhere between the age of 19 and 21 Jenny and I became more then teacher/student... she became one of my friends.  As I was choosing my wedding party one of the people I had planned to ask fell through so I came to Jenny crying- I needed another person in my wedding party and of course Jenny was more then willing. Over the next 3 years of my wedding, having my children (where I called her at all hours of the night to make sure I wasn't the worst mom on the planet), and finally seeing her get pregnant with Aiden,  Jenny and I became like sisters.  I think back to that day begging her to fill in for my wedding and now can't imagine for a moment her not standing up with me on that day. Our kids are convinced they are cousins, we write "aunt" next to "relationship to child" on our kids' emergency forms, we go on vacation together, we understand what the other one is thinking before they even think it, and we would do anything in the world to make the other one happy... what in the world could I be more thankful for? 

So today, I'm thankful for both of my sisters :)

All of the "Dettlaff" kids.  They're inseperable :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why is this legal?!

I've never claimed to be the best studio owner in the world... I've also never claimed to teach the best technique in the world, but I'm telling you after the past few weeks of judging at various cities throughout the country I look like I'm running the Joffrey Ballet around here.

First and foremost the unprofessionalism is astounding... I've witnessed students wearing one shoe on stage, tights that were ripped, hair flying in their faces, and people wearing costumes that appear to have been ordered 9 years ago.  As a teacher, your job is to prepare your students for something bigger and better then what we are.  If you think that the Rockettes are allowed to walk on stage with one character shoe on you're nuts...

Next, B-A-L-L-E-T.  It's simple people... all you have to do is require that they take it.  I'm sick and tired of watching people with sickled feet, no turn out, and pirouetting the wrong direction. 

Choreography- Again, I don't claim to be the best choreographer in the world- but I'm telling you there's times that I see these children doing choreography that is worse then something Maicey Munn could construct with all 3 years of her life experience behind her.  I also want to state that hip hop is not in fact a style in which you just shake your ass on stage.  There is actually technique that goes along with it... I know that's a new theory for some so go ahead and take a moment to process that.  I just can't fatham allowing my child on stage jumping around like a goon... but apparently tons of other parents see no problem with it! 

And lastly, it is not okay to allow your students to dance to a song such as "DINOSAUR" (where they actually say the words "you look sexy with your oxygen tank"), or "Raunchy" (I can't make this up people... it's honestly a song title).  It's also not okay to allow them to dance in a hot pink costume with skulls on it and no tights when they're 8 years old.  On the tights debate: I don't wanna see your business while I'm watching you dance... it's just wrong.  I hear all the time "you wear less at the beach", yes you're correct friend, but I don't usually do leg hold turns in my swimsuit... do you?!

I've always said I think it's interesting that you have to go to school and get a license to cut someone's hair but to be a studio owner all you have to do is find enough people that believe in what you're doing... that's a scary thought isn't it?  Some of these studio owners should be convicted of robbery...

Alright, had to get that off my chest... Going now to teach dance and spread decent technique through the world :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Motivational Monday

Is it really Monday again?!

All you need is love.

John Lennon & Paul McCartney

After a long weekend away from my family I just couldn't find another quote that fit better.  I love my job, I love my husband, I love my children... what is there to complain about??

Happy Monday!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thankful Thursday

As promised... part 2 :)

Although Sam taught me what it felt like to love a child... Maicey taught me that loving a second child was not taking love away from the first.  Somehow the magic of love allows your heart to multiply itself and all of a sudden you love two of them more then you ever dreamed you could love one.

Maicey Kay Munn entered my world on January 18th, 2008 at 11:59pm.  She's stayed true to that "hold out to the last minute" personality to this day.  She's the child that let's you get to "2 and a half" when you threaten "If I get to three you're getting a spanking!", she's the kid that lags ten steps behind you in the grocery store, and she's the child that can make you forget how mad those things make you and melt your heart with her sweet smile and bright blue eyes. 

When Maicey was born she shook up our world in a way that I hadn't ever experienced.  I, for once in my life, wasn't in control of the schedule, she was.  She would wake up in the morning and foreshadow for you the entire day... we always said she either comes off the pillow with angel wings or her horns emerge from her head.  My mother has always told me that my doctor when I was a little girl told her "she's not stubborn, she's simply 'persistant'", well I'm finding that trait a bit frustrating with my 3 year old :)

I'm so thankful for Maicey for so many things.  For being my hopes and dreams of a ballerina baby, for allowing me to put her hair in ridiculous bows, for smiling at me when I'm having a bad day, for teaching me how to be okay with my schedule not working out everytime, and more then anything for teaching me that persistant children bring more tolerence, patience and joy then anything else in the world!

Just another thankful Thursday...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Another Motivational Monday...

Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they
didn't have anything to do with it.
~Haim Ginott

I really don't even think I need to explain this one or why I love it...  Keeps you in check as a parent :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday's

Today's thankful Thursday and next weeks are linked together... I don't want anyone thinking one of them is more important than the other... I'm simply going in birth order!!!

One of my favorite pictures of Sam on his 2nd birthday. 

Sam Michael Munn changed my life on May 13, 2006 unlike anyone else ever has.  I didn't know the ways I could love until I met this little man.  When he was born, I was instantly in love with his sweet little face, his gorgeous eyes, and the sweet baby sounds he made.  Even after 3 full days of labor, I would have lived it all over again a thousand times to get to know the love he brought to me.

As he grew, I fell in love with the way he mispronounced words (helicocker, boops, and lellow were my favorites), I loved to watch him do his first dance recital (even though he didn't move a muscle on stage), and I adored seeing how he became a big brother with ease... and taught her how to love too.

Now as a busy 4.5 year old, I love to see him play (and excel at) every sport imaginable, I love to see him figure out problems on his own and how you see his eyes light up when he figures out how to write another letter, and nothing in the world fills my heart like the words "I love you to the moon and back 1101002001 times mommy"

Everyday I'm thankful for my children, but today especially I'm thankful to Sam to teach me how to love, how to appreciate, and how to give myself so selflessly to someone.

Just another thankful thursday :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Motivational Monday :)

"I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure- Try to Please everybody."

Herbert Bayard Swope

You know, I have no idea who Herbert Bayard Swope is, but I'm guessing he was a dance studio owner to have come up with that profound quote :) 

Honestly, this quote is something I wish could be something that was easy to live by.  Most people are natural "pleasers".  We try so hard to keep everyone happy that we often end up making everyone upset... especially ourselves.  We live by a rule in this business... please the greatest amount of people in the long run.  That last little part is most important because if you're only looking at pleasing them for the moment you're work will never be done.  It's not an easy quote to live by, but if you can get a grip on it it makes your life a lot easier to live.

Happy Monday friends...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Last week's Thankful post is tied to this week too...

Katie and I riding Space Mountain in DISNEY :)

You see I've never known my parents without my sister.  She is only 13 months older then I am and I've been told that when I was born, Katie was sitting at home on her play phone talking to me about how I was her best friend... she was one smart 13 month old :)

I was due on her birthday, December 27th... I was born on January 21st.  I decided that we were so special we not only deserved our own day, but our own month.  I wanted to be good and sure we never had to share birthdays :)  Other then a birthday, we don't have many things we don't share.  We grew up dancing together, only one year apart in school, sharing friends, clothes, we cheered together, we even went to college together.  We were so close we even became college roommates.  Until my honeymoon when I was 21 years old, we'd never been away from each other more then 5 days.  Katie was crucial in my relationship with Rob, she is the god-mother of my first born, and she is still my best friend.

Katie and Maicey at her wedding rehearsal, June 4, 2010

Katie's personality is much more laid back then mine... she tends not to get upset easily (unless you mess up her organized drawer, lose the cap to her favorite pen, or rip a piece of paper out of her notebook without getting all the "frillies" out too), she gets things done in her own timeframe (makes me crazy), and she takes time for the important things in life way more then I do.  I'm really trying to act more like her in that aspect of her world.  She is a school teacher and the way she talks to her students could make me laugh for hours.  She also still teaches at the studio with me, and is a vital asset to our team here.  The best job she has though is co-coaching our high school dance team, Platinum.  Each year we find great comfort in knowing we'll be going to camp together in the summer, state in December, and Disneyworld in February.  It's "our" time without kids and husbands to get in the way of our "reconnect" time.  On the other 355 days of the year however, it's all about our families... we spend a ton of time with our husbands and children playing and laughing all together around a bonfire, mom's pool, or at my house over a few glasses of wine. 

So on this Thankful Thursday I'm so thankful for my sister.  We lead our own lifes, and we're so different from each other... it's just that together we're better people.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Angel Babies...

I began reading Jodi Picoult when I was in college.  Disabilities Literature class my Jr/Sr year of college was one of the most intriguing classes I've ever taken.  We had to read "My Sister's Keeper" and that was that; i was hooked on Jodi's books.  Since then I've read a ton of them.  I anticipate them being released and when I have time, I'll go back and read one of her older ones.  They're the only books that I actually take time and read for fun.  So for the past 2 months I've been anxiously awaiting the release of her newest book, "Sing You Home".  I didn't really know a ton about it except the controversial isssue it was talking about was same sex marriage/parenting.  I began reading it this past weekend while I was judging in Arkansas...

Within the first 10 pages I knew this book was going to be super hard for me to read... It's about a woman's struggle with infertility and the heartache of a miscarriage.  I wouldn't necessarily say that Rob and I experienced "fertility issues"... we wanted a 2nd baby and we began trying- unsuccessfully for about 6 months.  This seemed like an eternity to us since we had conceived Sam while on birth control and had no desire for a baby at the time.  We then found out we were pregnant and it was like I could finally breathe again.  We were so excited... until the morning I was 10 weeks pregnant and knew instantly that it had ended. 

The flood of emotions is not even something I could begin to describe to someone who hasn't gone through a miscarriage.  It's something I've not spoken about to ANYONE up until the past few months.  As I was reading this book there was a part that struck me so profoundly that I began crying (alone in my hotel room) because it was so real to me.  In the book, the woman is speaking to a friend 2 months after she's lost the baby and she laughs out loud about something and then quickly hides her face and composes herself.  Her friend reminds her that it's okay to laugh sometimes and she responds with "I feel like it's not.  Like it means none of this mattered to me".  This moment in the book made me go back to the moment I found out I was pregnant with Maicey.  It was only a month after the miscarriage and I found myself feeling something other then heartache for the first time in weeks... and I was guilty about it.  I was so excited that God had given me another chance to carry a baby, but it still didn't take away that emptiness in my heart for the baby I lost.  I felt like I'd be betraying the memory of our Angel Baby if I whole heartedly accepted this new baby in me.  It was something I struggled with for months.  

A lot of people were there for support when I went through that time in my life, and I'm so greatful to them.  I'm sure I'd have never gotten through it without them.  I mean no disrespect to them when I say this, but unfortunitely nothing any of them could say could take away the pain that I had.  Not one of them knew what I felt like when I woke up in the morning and felt like I couldn't even breathe.  None of them stop every year on December 9th and wonder what that baby would have looked like.  It's still a struggle for me... but of course if that angel had stayed with me, we wouldn't have our Maicey... who I wouldn't trade for the world.  So now I get them both... one I can hold in my arms, the other just in my heart. 

The second "loss" (which I've always found to be an ammusing word to describe a miscarriage... it's not like a set of keys or something) I didn't know about until well after it happened.  When I went back for my 6 week check up after Maicey was born, my midwife said to me, "we got the lab results back and found that Maicey's twin "expired" somewhere in the first trimester."   That was unexpected... and as I attempted to process, Maicey began screaming in her car seat- and it made perfect sense.  There was no way in the world I could possibly handle two of her...  The only way that I know to describe the difference between the two miscarriages is this: Imagine finding out that you were passed up for a job a year ago that you didn't even know you were being considered.  It stings a little, but you move on.  In contrast imagine preparing for an interview, getting your resume polished, and picking out your furniture to put in the new office.  Then being offered the job only for it to be taken away in a poof.  Now, obviously in heart I love both of those angels the same... I just had a different connection with them.  Jodi Picoult says in her book "You have to understand what you're missing to know what you've lost"... couldn't have said it better myself Jodi :)

I never thought I'd post about this... I have tried for 4 years to keep this story to myself, because I can't stand the thought of bringing up these emotions again, but strangely enough I'm feeling a little lighter now.  I guess it's because even if no one reads this post, I will still know it's always here; sort of like my angel babies on my heart...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Another manic monday...

Motivational Monday #2

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

Harriet Tubman

I get the pleasure of working with "dreamer's" every day. I adore seeing kids come in here at 4 years old and tell me their wonderful dreams of being a dance teacher, Hannah Montana, and a animal doctor, and then when they're not busy they want to be Ariel too :) Somewhere along the lines however, some of these kids lose that fire and settle for so much less then being everything they aspire to. Some of them however, continue to keep those dreams alive and well (although redefined for the most part), and remind me how lucky I am to have had such big dreams when I was little...

Enjoy your manic Monday... and if you're not busy, put a little motivation in someone's day :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Here, There, Everywhere...

Here's my schedule since New Year's Day... Normal teaching schedule and studio "stuff" schedule, Platinum season in full basketball swing til Feb 10th, I choreographed the North Scott musical, plus on the weekends I have had, January CRAZY rehearsal weekend, another crazy weekend of rehearsals and solo rehearsals, plus Maicey's birthday party, yet another weekend of solo rehearsals, competitive solo dress rehearsal and group recital, UDA nationals in Disney World, outside choreographers coming in for even more flipping rehearsals, our first competition in Cedar Rapids, our second competition in Davenport.... deep breath in.

This weekend I'm judging in West Memphis, Arkansas for Star Systems.  Judging has always been one of my favorite parts of my job.  I love traveling the country and seeing what new things are happening.  New trends in costumes, choreography and teaching styles keeps me current and on my game and it also gives me a great chance for networking.  I love giving advice and feedback as I know how important it is in this industry.  It also gives me a chance to just get away from the crazy midwest and be a professional in this field.   I don't necessarily love the 14 hour days, the hotel rooms, and especially being away from my heart and soul that's waiting for me at home.  I keep thinking as the kids get older it'll be easier to leave them on these weekends because they'll understand.  They'll be okay without me for a weekend... I'm wrong.  As they grow it's becoming harder to leave them.  I hear them on the phone asking me when I'll be home.  I listen as they play and don't have time to talk with me because they're too busy having fun with Daddy while I sit alone in the hotel room.  It's the hardest part of this job, but let me tell you, when I meet them at home tomorrow, it'll also be the best part.  Absence only makes the heart grow fonder, right??

So when i arrive home tomorrow I have another full week of craziness.  Catching up on business work, teaching classes for the week, sam starts tball on Tuesday, and then I judge again next weekend... But then, the glorious, well deserved, wonderous SPRING BREAK.  I've vowed that no matter what I'm going to spend at least 75% of my spring break AT HOME, with my family, cleaning drawers in anticipation of warmer weather, and putting out Easter decorations, and just remembering what it's like to not be pulled in 49 different directions.  I'm going to savor every moment because after that glorious week of break, I judge another weekend, two more weekends of my own kids competitions, another weekend of judging, EASTER!!!, evaluations and conferences, and then the craziness of summer can begin... I am so lucky I love my job.

Now I'm exhausted just thinking about it all.  I'm gonna stop and try to take a breath before I get overwhelmed again...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Some days I just want to let people know how thankful I am for them.  So I'm going to attempt to do a Thankful Thursday every week until I've thanked them all... it may take til I'm 40, but that's okay :)

Today's tribute is to where it all began...

My parents have been the building blocks in which I've built my life upon.  I grew up in the same town I live in today... for no reason other then I can't imagine living without them 10 minutes away.  I grew up in a small but cozy condominium with my parents and sister.  Both parents had amazing jobs that provided for every need and almost any want that I could possibly think of as we grew up.  They put me in dance when I was just a two year old hellion, and if we've calculated correctly they could have bought a small island with the money they "invested" in my dance career.  That still continues today as they are actively involved in my studio.

My mom is the diplomatic one... "Kimberly, let's weigh our options here..." She's the one I'd cry to in the car about how unfair the world is and I'd simply get the response "it's a tough lesson isn't it?".  She was also the first one at bat for me if she felt it was necessary.  She was the one who took me shopping for my Easter dresses, my prom dresses, my wedding dress, and now all of my children's clothes.  She couldn't imagine for a moment anyone else being the one to experience that.  She was the first person I told when I knew I loved Rob... she was the first person I told when I miscarried our "angel baby".  She's been there through it all... every high and every low.

My dad is the spontanious one... "You're grounded until your 34!" He's the one who'd decide one morning we were going on an elaborate vacation and no one could stop him (he's still like that a bit... can you say YELLOWSTONE?)  He was the parent that never asked me to talk about what had hurt my feelings because he knew when I was hurting and couldn't handle watching me cry.  He was the one that would remind me quietly after he bought me ice cream not to let Mom know.  He's the one that taught me that "tough times don't last, but tough people do"  It's no secret I've always been a bit of a daddy's girl... until my kids came along and have nusseled their way into that spot of "opa's" heart :)

They are so different, but the best team of parents anyone could ever have.  So on the first Thankful Thursday, I can't imagine thanking someone different.  Thank you Mom and Dad for being a shining example of love, commitment, and compassion.  If Rob and I can be half the parents you were, our kids are pretty dang lucky.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some pretty talented kids...

This is sort of going to look like I'm reposting my post from last week around this time... however it's most certainly ANOTHER competition that ATB rocked at. 

If I honestly had to list all of the amazing awards we won we'd be here all day... so I'll highlights some of them:

First of all we won the highest honors possible: the Sportsmanship award.  We were voted on by the staff of the competition on the friendliness of our staff, the sincerety of our dancers, and also on following the rules of the competition.  It is one of the best awards, because it's not saying we're great dancers, it's saying we've raised great human beings.  The kids were all so happy to have won this award.

We also took home 6 choreography awards, just a testiment to the amazing people I have working for me :)  This is just part of the "Dream Team"  This is the part that was up at the crack of dawn getting kids dressed and ready!  Love them...

We also won the Most Entertaining award for Fame... they looked like little kids when they announced their names... they were jumping up and down like crazy people :)  They sure were entertaining... I'm not really talking about on stage however!

This is just an amazing picture of Alyssa and Paige's duet... wow what a moment, huh?

These are my little "Boyfriend's Back" terds... could they be any cuter?  And they won Katie and I a choreography award... love them

Well, the divas won AGAIN.  I'm starting to think I may have to buy stock in Whitey's if these girls keep it up.  They seriously rocked it out this weekend and they were so proud of themselves.  They should have been proud- each of them won their solo divisions too.  Kayla took overall intermediate jr soloist and Paige took overall Elite jr soloist.  I make sure to let them know they're really not that good yet :)  Gotta keep them working hard...
Paige's solo to I Will Rise... gorgeous moment :)
Kayla's gorgeous baby face with her trophy after her win :)

These angels are "Hallelujah" and they won overall jr. small group of the weekend.  They were so unbelievably amazing.  The choreography by Miss Sara was breathtaking (it also won a choreography award).  They were beautiful as always :)

These little "terds" are Shake a Tailfeather and they won Petite Jr. duet/trio of the weekend.  They are so dang cute I can't even stand it!

And these big terd won Sr. duet/trio of the weekend... good work ladies

Here's just some fun pics from the professional photographer:
The Dance

Tangled Up In You

Our entire team, relishing in the glory of being so dang successful!  We're so proud of all of you girls!