Anyone that knows me, knows that I have "aha" moments that cause me to step back and realize something important quite often... I think it's because I tend to move through my days, completeing tasks, working, being a mom and wife, and simply trying to get to the next day then all of a sudden AHA... when I actually stop and think about something and how it effects EVERYONE, it very clearly makes sense in my world. The first AHA moment that I can remember is when I had first opened my studio and I had 2 or 3 moms upset with a particular decision I made, so I changed my decision and caused 40 parents to be mad at me... AHA Kimberly, you're never going to make everyone happy, so don't try. Do what's best for the majority and move on... Since then I've had dozens of them, in parenting, business, and marriage; it's how I have shaped my adult world in essence...
So my moment this week was while I was teaching my classes last night. I teach a class of young teens (12-16 year olds mainly), and many of them have been my students forever. We've been having discussions with many of our students the past few weeks about "pushing themselves" and "believing in yourselves" as we do EVERY year with tons of students that have seemed to plateau in their growth within the dance world. Well, last night, I had to be pulled away from class for a moment to answer a question for my office assistant, so as I was chatting with her I was also yelling out stretchs for the class to be doing. As I watched them stretch I heard quiet conversations about school assignments, giggles about what kids were wearing to the game the night before, and a variety of other "normal girl behavior". They were doing the stretches I asked them to... but for some reason I was frustrated with them. I couldn't put my finger on it for quite some time, but as you may have expected all of a sudden AHA... I figured out what was bothering me. These girls that I have been teaching for years, were doing what I asked them to do... that's all they were doing. They were doing just enough to get by, and for those of you who know me, that's never enough. So it is becoming my personal mission to push EVERY student and teacher in this studio to not do what they're asked to by me, but to do everything they possibly can every day.
I'm sort of hoping to create some AHA moments in other people's worlds too...
11 years ago
Great post!