Well, of course today is all about love... it's a silly Hallmark holiday meant to make the chocolate, flower, and card companies millions of dollars... it's a silly holiday that I LOVE. I love it because I love my husband. So, today's post is dedicated to the Love of my Life :)
Rob and I met on the first day of college at St. Ambrose. My roommates and I were organizing our new room and we heard a knock on the door... My sister got to the door first and opened the door to find a shaggy haired, blue eyed, boy that stuck his hand out and said "hey ladies I'm Rob". He was walking up and down the hallways of the dorm trying to meet EVERY single woman on our floor. We all giggled and told him our names, shut the door and moved on. The next morning, I found myself sleepily walking into Intro to Theology at 8am, finding a seat, and 2 minutes later hearing "hey Kim". I turned to see Mr. Blue Eyes starring back at me. We also came to find out we shared our Tuesday/Thursday 8am class Creative writing class with Nancy Hayes (who Rob lovingly explained to people she had "rays of sunshine coming out of her ass"). As the semester progressed we studied together, hung out on weekends, and just genuinely enjoyed spending time together either with my roommates when we were trying to study, or his roommates when they'd do ridiculous things like "the gallon challenge" or throw pennies out the windows at people :) We'd quickly become best friends... I realized over Christmas break that I missed him. That was sort of weird for me, because I had also started dating a new guy at that point. Long story short, that "new guy" turned out to be an idiot and Rob made sure to remind me of this any chance he got. At Easter when i'd finally come to my senses and broken up with him, Rob was planning to spend Easter alone in the dorms... my mother of course said that wasn't an option and he came to Easter dinner with us... just as friends of course. Not even a month later (with some interventions from my mother and sister) we finally admitted we were in love with each other.
11 short months later he told me during our daily walk that "he never wanted to walk without me by his side again" and 18 months after that I became the happiest wife in the world. Now, 9 years after that wonderful day I met my husband I am so thankful for every moment I have with him. We've created two precious children, a home that we love, and more memories then I ever dreamed possible. It just goes to prove that you never know when love will come knocking at your door...
11 years ago
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