About a week ago, my bff Jenny informed me she was going to begin Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It is a DVD that is only 20 minutes long that can help you lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days. So, being the good friend that I am, I offer to do it with her. We decide to begin this past Monday, so I got my weights out, turned the DVD on and began my workout... by 8 minutes in I was ready to throw my weights at the screen. I like to think of myself as a fairly active person. I teach 4 days a week, I go to the gym regularly... but I'm telling you, this workout was HARD. I finished strong, but I was already hurting. As I went to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water I realized that there was water on the floor... from the cup that was in my hand. I was shaking so hard that over half of it had spilled out onto the floor. I braced myself for the next day...
Tuesday morning I opened my eyes and tried to sit up: WASN'T GONNA HAPPEN. I rolled myself over and walked slowly towards the stairs where I stood at the bottom for a good 5 minutes analyzing the situation before I could even take the first step. I have no idea how, but I eventually made it up the stairs where I promptly texted Jenny to inform her I hated her :) Every single muscle in my body hurt worse then they ever had before. As I tried to sit or stand, my thigh muscles burned so badly I would let out an audible "ughhhh" EVERY time. As I got myself ready, I realized that I couldn't raise my arm up enough to brush my hair. I literally had to lower my head to my hand to brush it... the price of beauty I tell ya! Then I had to teach my tot classes and as we were doing "bouncing knees" I had to bite my tongue to not curse out loud in the middle of my 3 year olds. The worst part of Tuesday though was that I had to do the workout again... I cringed at the thought and was literally in tears by the end of it. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? I was wondering for a moment which it would be that Tuesday though...
So now we're on Day 4... still in Level 1, but we've gotten some more friends to join our "Jillian club". There's 5 of us now doing it, and complaining about it, together... It'll all be worth it in the long run!!!
11 years ago