Sam Michael just turned 3 and my goodness he's funny. He lights up a room with his smile and makes me laugh so hard sometimes I can't breathe. He LOVES to play soccer and baseball in the yard with Daddy and loves to sing and dance with me too. He just had his first dance recital, and I kid you not, he stood on stage and never moved a muscle, but he looked adorable doing it!

If you ask anyone that I knew when I was young, they'll tell you they always knew I'd be a mom. It's literally the best job in the world, and the most challenging. Although this happened a few months back, I wanted to share the most challenging parenting day I've been through so far... Hopefully you'll get a good laugh at it!
So my best friend, Jenny gave my children their Easter baskets one Wednesday afternoon at our weekly lunch date at Chili's. After an eventful lunch of spilled pop, yelling children, and multiple occasions of food being flung on the floor, I drag both very sleepy children to the car with their Easter baskets in tow. I put them both in their carseats and set the Easter baskets on the floor in front of Sam. As I'm driving, the backseat gets very quiet and I figure they'd both fallen asleep... boy was I wrong. When I pulled into my driveway and went to get my kids out of the car I swear it looked like a chocolate fountain had exploded in my car. The kids had eaten EVERY hershey's kiss out of the baskets- Maicey didn't even bother to unwrap hers... there was foil and chocolate from their heads to their toes and all over the car.
So I proceed to get them out and strip them naked and let them run around the house while I am cleaning the car out before my husband kills me. I'm so angry that as I storm back into my house, I pull the screen door open and the dang thing flies off my house~ I'm not kidding, the whole door was in my hand. Little sweet Maicey is standing there with 3 screws in her hand just smiling away at me... how does a 15 month old baby manage that?!?! No one can still figure that out. So here's my favorite part of the story... while all of this is going on, I forget that I have a furniture repair man coming to my house to fix my brand new couch. There's a knock on the door and I go let in the man. My then 2 year old son walks up to him and loud and clear as day says, "Hey you're a chocolate guy!!!" I swear to the good Lord I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. My wonderful father who spends a lot of time with my kids, was teaching him that the reason that President Obama looked different then him was only because his skin was a different color, sort of like ice cream is a different color... that totally back fired...
So needless to say, by the time they went down for a nap that afternoon I was ready to cry and completely give up on parenting, but as always, you stand tall, take a breath and move on, loving your kids more every day.
They truly are the light of my life and I love them more every single day.
So my best friend, Jenny gave my children their Easter baskets one Wednesday afternoon at our weekly lunch date at Chili's. After an eventful lunch of spilled pop, yelling children, and multiple occasions of food being flung on the floor, I drag both very sleepy children to the car with their Easter baskets in tow. I put them both in their carseats and set the Easter baskets on the floor in front of Sam. As I'm driving, the backseat gets very quiet and I figure they'd both fallen asleep... boy was I wrong. When I pulled into my driveway and went to get my kids out of the car I swear it looked like a chocolate fountain had exploded in my car. The kids had eaten EVERY hershey's kiss out of the baskets- Maicey didn't even bother to unwrap hers... there was foil and chocolate from their heads to their toes and all over the car.
So I proceed to get them out and strip them naked and let them run around the house while I am cleaning the car out before my husband kills me. I'm so angry that as I storm back into my house, I pull the screen door open and the dang thing flies off my house~ I'm not kidding, the whole door was in my hand. Little sweet Maicey is standing there with 3 screws in her hand just smiling away at me... how does a 15 month old baby manage that?!?! No one can still figure that out. So here's my favorite part of the story... while all of this is going on, I forget that I have a furniture repair man coming to my house to fix my brand new couch. There's a knock on the door and I go let in the man. My then 2 year old son walks up to him and loud and clear as day says, "Hey you're a chocolate guy!!!" I swear to the good Lord I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. My wonderful father who spends a lot of time with my kids, was teaching him that the reason that President Obama looked different then him was only because his skin was a different color, sort of like ice cream is a different color... that totally back fired...
So needless to say, by the time they went down for a nap that afternoon I was ready to cry and completely give up on parenting, but as always, you stand tall, take a breath and move on, loving your kids more every day.
They truly are the light of my life and I love them more every single day.
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