Okay, so I've finally caught the blogging bug... I got hooked on my sister's blog, but she updates hers like maybe once a decade, so I'm going to try to out shine her when it comes to blogging :)
A little back ground information... I grew up in a beautiful family with the most supportive parents in the world. They brought me into the world only 13 months after my sister was born (I know you're thinking, why in God's name would anyone do that, believe me, we all asked it too!), and she is my very best friend in the world. We grew up falling in love with the art of dance and performed all over the country as we grew. I knew from the time I was ten years old I wanted to own my own studio when I grew up. So I made a plan and followed through...
I went off to college, met my future husband, changed majors, opened my dance studio, received my Bachelor's degree in 3 years, got married, and found out I was pregnant with my first child all by the time I was 22 :) I wouldn't have done it any other way, but man that was a long few years!
Now my studio is booming, my children are growing, and I am just looking for an opportunity to slow down and take a breath...
11 years ago
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