Being a mom is great... no better feeling in the world then having and raising kids, but it's the hardest job in the world too. THIS my friends is why being an aunt is the best job in the world. You get to spoil them rotten, buy them drumsets and 10001 piece bead sets for Christmas, convince them their mom really is the meanest person in the world, and then send them home at the end of the day. Someone seriously come up with a better job description, i dare you.
I have some weird relationships that make me an aunt. My best friend in the world Jenny's two kids Emma and Aiden have no idea that we're not really related. They've called me Aunt Kim forever and that's just the way it is. I also have my sister Katie's step daughter Kaitlyn that is my oldest niece now and I'm by far the coolest aunt in her book (well I think so at least). Then there's Rob's sister Samantha's kids. Alexa Mae just turned 5, and Ethan James is 18 months, and now we add little miss Cierra to the mix! Cierra (no middle name yet) Farnum was born tonight at 6:58pm and was 6 lbs 13 oz. She's adorable :) Congratulations to the entire Farnum family! So excited to meet Cierra. I have a bad feeling she's already taking after Uncle Rob... being stubborn and all.
This puts the count at 4 nieces and 2 nephews, and counting I hope, cause honestly being an aunt is my favorite job in the world!
11 years ago
I am so glad you are back to blogging. Your Texas family has missed you!