So, I'm sitting in a hot dorm room with my favorite sister and she's giving me grief about not updating my blog in 9 months. Yes I know, the last post sentance said I'll update you asap... well, this is honestly asap for me over the past year. I'm going to recap all in one post and then I'll do some delayed posting with more details a little later on :) Cut me some slack here people, I'm trying!
So to update you on the last post, Maicey has officially given up her binky, I had a total surgery on my foot, Sam's thrush is history. Beyond that post a ton has happened. I went back and read through my past posts and feel as though a lifetime has passed since then...
October brought wonderful memories of fall in the Munn household. I love fall days filled with pumpkin patch and halloween decorations... truly a blessing with my kids.
November brought me foot surgery in which I was on crutches and off work for 2 weeks. I was ready to thump someone with those God foresaken things by the end of it. Worst part: I missed out on the day after Thanksgiving shopping extravaganza. Pissed doesn't even begin to describe it... for those of you that don't know my family; we are all business on black friday. We utilize Thanksgiving dinner to map out our attack plan and we're up "in the 4's" as my sister says. Everyone went without me this year :*( Anyway, I recovered slowly from my surgery and am doing well now.
December began with the amazing accomplishment of my dance team that Katie and I coach together winning STATE! It was by far the most excited group of 12 dancers I've ever seen... and that is saying a lot in my line of work :) The girls worked their tails off for that title and I enjoyed EVERY smile, tear, scream, and joyful moment that led us to that victory. Also in December some of my BEST friends in the world, the Stiener's and us went to Disney. If you've never been to Disneyworld, 1. you should not even be allowed to be an American citizen, but 2. you should go at Christmas time. It was by far the most magical place on Earth with some amazing people. 2009 was rounded out by spending the holidays with the most wonderful family I could have ever dreamed of. Seeing the magic of Christmas from your children's eyes is a gift... one that I cherish more then anything else.

The new year brought my "baby's" 2nd birthday... I hate that she's getting so big! I also turned 26... not sure how I'm feeling about being closer to 30 then 20 yet...but what can ya do?!? Competition season went into full swing and from January 22-May 8th I had one weekend off~ EASTER. Between judging, Platinum, and my own studio, I was gone or working every weekend. It was crazy, and wonderful and fulfilling all at the same time.
Also during the early part of this year I helped my sister plan her wedding :) May 8th was our family shower and bachelorette party. Honestly the funniest night I've had in a LONG time. Let's just say there was LOTS of alcohol, dueling pianos, more alcohol, and singing transvestites all involved in the festivities. FREAKING HILARIOUS. It was a wonderful night with family and friends to show our support for our favorite bride-to-be.
May 16th I'm in Minneapolis for a competition I'm judging and I get a phone call that Maicey has broken her leg... not a joke. My 2 year old broke her leg on a trampoline and had to do her first recital in a chair. And be pulled down the aisle for Katie's wedding in a wagon... GREAT work Maicey.
June 5th was the big day. With all 4 of my immediate family members in the wedding I was a little overwhelmed, BUT your sister only gets married once right?! Let's also mention for a moment that Katie is not one you'd consider a good decision maker. If it's not something she feels strongly about she'll simply say "go ask Kim". So, let's just leave it as, I made like every decision except the date and location :) Okay, that might be exagerating a little... Honestly though it was a magical time for my sister and me. We spent a lot of time together and found a new respect for each other as grown up married women. It is a time in our lives I'll never forget. The day was magical and I couldn't be more proud to have a new brother in law, Kevin and a lovely new niece Kaitlyn out of the deal!
Since June 5th I've judged 2 national competitions, choreographed 31 numbers (still 20 to go!!!), and now sit in this hot dorm room, with my favorite sister giving me grief about this damn blog...
So I'm in this hot dorm room because I, along with my sister have our state winning dance team at UDA camp. A completely intense 4 day experience which makes the team REALLY strong and unified. They're currently running around popping balloons and eating so much junk food they're gonna explode, but GOD I love them :) And more then anything I love spending time with my sister and our Jr. High coach JJ... it's nice to have some "girl time"
I miss my family at home while I'm on these excursions though. Rob is such a good husband and daddy. He never once gives me grief about my extra jobs and he takes such good care of our babies. He's kept himself busy this year hunting, traveling and spending time with family. Work is still good and he's still his insane upbeat self. Such a good reminder of how much I love him :) Sam is getting to be such a little man. He's 4 going on 20. He takes after his Daddy in the sence that you never know what he's gonna say or do next, he always finds a friend in people, and he's genuinely a funny little person. He loves fishing and hunting with Rob and then still loves to come dance at the studio with me... the perfect mixture of Mom and Dad :) Miss Sassy is 2 now and my LORD she's full of life. She wakes up and within 2 minutes you know what sort of day everyone will have. If she wakes up smiling it's gonna be great... she'll be agreeable and fun. If she wakes up crabby, LOOK OUT... she's a beast! It's a good thing she's so pretty, cause man she can be mean!!! She's an angel though that is a continuous reminder of living life with passion and energy.

Okay, so that is my year in a nutshell :) I promise I'll get back into the swing of doing this daily (or a few times a week at least!) I need to just remember to stop and take a breath :)