Sunday, September 26, 2010


Short post for this beautiful Sunday afternoon... last night we celebrated my mother in law's 50th birthday with a surprise party for her with so many friends and family members.  It was a wonderful night of laughs and memories for a wonderful mother and grandmother that we love so much! 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Am I really that old???

I like to think of myself as a pretty fun, down to Earth, keep it light sorta person.  I try to see things from my students points of view on a regular basis as I was in their shoes not that long ago... However; over the past few weeks I am realizing quickly that things are MUCH different then when I was a kid.  I love all of my students and honestly would do anything for anyone of them, which is why I think I'm just now realizing this.  The high school girls (and even younger!) swearing like it's their jobs, and the disrespect I hear in the waiting rooms to their mothers, and the rolled eyes when asked to do something they don't wanna do... It's just becoming RIDICULOUS! 

So today, I want to share with you all a story from my past:
I was 15 years old and went out to dinner at Olive Garden with my parents and sister.  I brought up to my parents at that time, that my 17 year old boyfriend that lived in Cedar Falls had asked me to his prom.  My mother informed me I must have been out of my mind if I thought I was going.  I argued and cried and whined and finally said "you're ruining my life and I hate you!" to my mother.  Without skipping a beat, she reached over and smacked me across the mouth.  I was horrified (as were my sister and father who didn't take one eyeball off their pasta!) and sulked in my teenaged drama for weeks.

 It wasn't until these recent realizations of how disrespectful today's youth are that I realized how important that moment was for me.  Do I wish I could have gone still to this day, yes I do... but ultimately it was her decision and she did what she thought was best for me, because that was her job.  Thanks Mom, I really do appreciate that smack upside my head. 

So to all of you mom's out there that are "ruining your children's lives!!!" Great work, keep it up... you're making some really great adults :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

the Sconsin O'dells

In the middle of August, we took a MUCH needed family vacation to the Wisconsin Dells.  The kids call it the Sconsin O'dells, and it's quite possibly their favorite place on Earth.  We stayed at the Wilderness resort and the 8 waterparks, huge indoor playground, and ridiculous arcade were enough to keep us running around like crazy tourists for 3 days :)  The best part though, was having no schedule, and having time to hang out as a family.  It wasn't until we got this vacation rolling that we realized we'd never taken a vacation with just the 4 of us!  We've always gone with other family or friends, and although it's always fun, we definitely need this time to reconnect.  Here's a few highlights...

This was at a really super fun restaurant called Buffalo Phils.  A train brings you your food!

Being silly downtown

Hooray for SWIMMING!!!!

This was on our mini golf course :)  Cracks me up everytime!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Shasta...

Anyone that knew me in my pre-married days could probably tell you that I would be the last person on the planet Earth to have a camper... yes, i said it... a CAMPER. 

Our family went camping when I was little... once. And we went camping in my grandma's 30 foot gorgeous motor home... and we went home after 3 nights...  The Dettlaff woman just didn't find any interest in walking to shower I guess.

Well, then I met my wonderful husband Rob who grew up camping on almost every vacation... The Munn family has a family tradition every Labor Day weekend they go to Old Threshers Reunion and camp for almost a week.  It's a week full of family, cards, drinking, gun fights and most importantly time to relax with friends and family we don't see nearly enough.  Rob and I began dating in May of 2003... by September we were fairly serious and Rob convinced me I should come to this tradition with him.  It poured down rain and was roughly 45 degrees... wonderful 2nd camping experience :)  BUT, it was an amazing experience to see how important this time was with his family.  We've gone every year since... through wedding planning, new born babies, morning sickness, and potty training; we've been there. 

After having 2 kids of our own, my mother in law's camper was getting a little tight, so Rob bought us our own... it's a 1975 Shasta... and man is it pretty.  It has puke yellow cushions, brown cabinets, and yellow toilet and sink in the bathroom, but ya know what, it's the pride of Rob's world right now and for that I'm so glad.  It will become a wonderful piece of our family and tradition and I am so looking forward to September to get the memories in our new "home" started...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hello Nashville!

Hello from Nashville!!!  My mom, dad, Sam, and my good friend and coworker Kat left Iowa at about 1:30 yesterday afternoon to head to our national competition here in TN.  We arrived about 10 hours later after Sam asked about 22010 questions, played every kid game imaginable, AND took a 2 hour nap.  It was quite an event!

We are having a great time today site seeing and eatting at Hard Rock Cafe.  Sam has so far conned himself a cowboy hat and a full size guitar sippy cup... yes, I mean a guitar you wear around your body that has  a place to keep liquid complete with a straw... and lights... and guitar noises~ not a joke. 

Tomorrow begins the competition.  I'll be sure to keep you all posted!!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Check, check, check

I decided to use my blog of the day to discuss one of my favorite things to do... Check things off of my to-do list.  I honestly have a list for everything... one time I even made a list of lists I needed to make.  Now even I will admit that was pushing it too far, but when you are a wife, mother, business owner, and coach sometimes you have no other options!

Today, I have 5 to-do lists going. 
1. studio stuff:  this list is continuous, there's never been a time since we opened in 2004 that I've had everything crossed off this list... maybe someday??? maybe not...
2. errands: I currently have 6 places I need to go before we leave town Sunday... not sure that's all gonna happen, but I'm gonna give it a valient effort
3. choreography: this list goes away after summer thankfully.  I started with 54 dances on it, I have 35 crossed off... I think I can I think I can
4. packing list: When I leave to go on trips for work it never fails~ I forget something.  And to make matters worse, Sam is going with me on this trip and it's an entire week we're gone... I'm getting nervous just thinking about it.  Maybe I should put an item on the list to recheck the original list to make sure I'm not forgetting anything!
5. Miscellanious list: this one entails everything that doesn't fit on one of those lists above, such as making kids' dentist appointments (that one has been on the list for awhile, I just can't seem to get it done.  I probably could have done it in the time it took me to post this... shoot, missed out on the opportunity to check something off my list! 

There's not a better feeling then putting a big red check mark next to an item you've completed... I live for that moment.  Sometimes, I put things on my list I've already done just so I can check them off... I know, ridiculous! 

Anyway, maybe on list 5 I should add an item: Take a breath  Maybe then I'd do it just so I could cross it off...

Monday, July 12, 2010

My favorite job is being an aunt...

Being a mom is great... no better feeling in the world then having and raising kids, but it's the hardest job in the world too.  THIS my friends is why being an aunt is the best job in the world.  You get to spoil them rotten, buy them drumsets and 10001 piece bead sets for Christmas, convince them their mom really is the meanest person in the world, and then send them home at the end of the day.  Someone seriously come up with a better job description, i dare you. 

 I have some weird relationships that make me an aunt.  My best friend in the world Jenny's two kids Emma and Aiden have no idea that we're not really related.  They've called me Aunt Kim forever and that's just the way it is.  I also have my sister Katie's step daughter Kaitlyn that is my oldest niece now and I'm by far the coolest aunt in her book (well I think so at least).  Then there's Rob's sister Samantha's kids.  Alexa Mae just turned 5, and Ethan James is 18 months, and now we add little miss Cierra to the mix!  Cierra (no middle name yet) Farnum was born tonight at 6:58pm and was 6 lbs 13 oz.  She's adorable :)  Congratulations to the entire Farnum family!  So excited to meet Cierra.  I have a bad feeling she's already taking after Uncle Rob... being stubborn and all.

This puts the count at 4 nieces and 2 nephews, and counting I hope, cause honestly being an aunt is my favorite job in the world!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Better late then never...

One of my favorites memories of 2010 so far was Mother's Day.  What a seriously great idea whoever came up with a day celebrating mothers... and I swear I'm not just saying this because I am a mother (although having a day that my kids and husband love and adore me more then normal is wonderful), it's truly a great day for me because I can celebrate all of the amazing mothers in my life.  I was lucky enough to have both of my grandmothers in my life and they were both so unbelievably amazing.  My Oma was a fireball of energy that had the quickest wit and the most commanding personality.  When she spoke, you listened... and you listened well.  Katie and I always had a special place with Oma.  We were the youngest grandchildren by a lot and when we'd come over she'd assure my mom and dad we'd get no snacks... that is until the door was shut behind them.  I will never forget the day we lost her when I was in 8th grade.  Grandma Murphy was the funniest woman I ever met.  She always had a smile and an understanding shoulder to cry on.  I lost her when I was only 15, but she laid some amazing ground work in who I am today.  The world is truly a better place because of those two woman... I think of them often and celebrate them in my heart on Mother's Day especially.  My own mother is the reason I am who I am today.  She's strong, independant and compasionate all in one breath.  She knows exactly what to say, and not say, at exactly the right times.  She's supported me through every decision I've made, even when she knew they were the wrong ones.  She's truly the definition of "the perfect mom".  She's the perfect Oma now too :)  So on Mother's Day I have so much to be thankful for... wonderful examples of what a mother should be, and my own little miracles that are my little guinea pigs as I try to live up to those mother's I've had the priveledge of loving.


So, someone at this camp decided it would be a good idea to teach these yahoos a game called "darts".  It is a game in which if you look someone in the eye you can then "shoot" them with an imagenary dart and they must fall to the ground and remain there until someone comes to them and "undarts" them by pulling it out of their neck... This sounds ridiculous, and truly it is, but it has made for some hilarious moments at camp so far.  Thus far we've had people darted in the bathroom, on the stairs, in the cafeteria, and now, Katie, JJ and I are all darted in our room; we've threatened the girls that if they undart us we'll hurt them.  So we'll stay peacefully here in our room :) 

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I know, I know... I need to listen to my own advise and slow down and take a breath!!!

So, I'm sitting in a hot dorm room with my favorite sister and she's giving me grief about not updating my blog in 9 months. Yes I know, the last post sentance said I'll update you asap... well, this is honestly asap for me over the past year. I'm going to recap all in one post and then I'll do some delayed posting with more details a little later on :) Cut me some slack here people, I'm trying!

So to update you on the last post, Maicey has officially given up her binky, I had a total surgery on my foot, Sam's thrush is history. Beyond that post a ton has happened. I went back and read through my past posts and feel as though a lifetime has passed since then...

October brought wonderful memories of fall in the Munn household. I love fall days filled with pumpkin patch and halloween decorations... truly a blessing with my kids.

November brought me foot surgery in which I was on crutches and off work for 2 weeks. I was ready to thump someone with those God foresaken things by the end of it. Worst part: I missed out on the day after Thanksgiving shopping extravaganza. Pissed doesn't even begin to describe it... for those of you that don't know my family; we are all business on black friday. We utilize Thanksgiving dinner to map out our attack plan and we're up "in the 4's" as my sister says. Everyone went without me this year :*( Anyway, I recovered slowly from my surgery and am doing well now.

December began with the amazing accomplishment of my dance team that Katie and I coach together winning STATE! It was by far the most excited group of 12 dancers I've ever seen... and that is saying a lot in my line of work :) The girls worked their tails off for that title and I enjoyed EVERY smile, tear, scream, and joyful moment that led us to that victory. Also in December some of my BEST friends in the world, the Stiener's and us went to Disney. If you've never been to Disneyworld, 1. you should not even be allowed to be an American citizen, but 2. you should go at Christmas time. It was by far the most magical place on Earth with some amazing people. 2009 was rounded out by spending the holidays with the most wonderful family I could have ever dreamed of. Seeing the magic of Christmas from your children's eyes is a gift... one that I cherish more then anything else.

The new year brought my "baby's" 2nd birthday... I hate that she's getting so big! I also turned 26... not sure how I'm feeling about being closer to 30 then 20 yet...but what can ya do?!? Competition season went into full swing and from January 22-May 8th I had one weekend off~ EASTER. Between judging, Platinum, and my own studio, I was gone or working every weekend. It was crazy, and wonderful and fulfilling all at the same time.

Also during the early part of this year I helped my sister plan her wedding :) May 8th was our family shower and bachelorette party. Honestly the funniest night I've had in a LONG time. Let's just say there was LOTS of alcohol, dueling pianos, more alcohol, and singing transvestites all involved in the festivities. FREAKING HILARIOUS. It was a wonderful night with family and friends to show our support for our favorite bride-to-be.

May 16th I'm in Minneapolis for a competition I'm judging and I get a phone call that Maicey has broken her leg... not a joke. My 2 year old broke her leg on a trampoline and had to do her first recital in a chair. And be pulled down the aisle for Katie's wedding in a wagon... GREAT work Maicey.

June 5th was the big day. With all 4 of my immediate family members in the wedding I was a little overwhelmed, BUT your sister only gets married once right?! Let's also mention for a moment that Katie is not one you'd consider a good decision maker. If it's not something she feels strongly about she'll simply say "go ask Kim". So, let's just leave it as, I made like every decision except the date and location :) Okay, that might be exagerating a little... Honestly though it was a magical time for my sister and me. We spent a lot of time together and found a new respect for each other as grown up married women. It is a time in our lives I'll never forget. The day was magical and I couldn't be more proud to have a new brother in law, Kevin and a lovely new niece Kaitlyn out of the deal!

Since June 5th I've judged 2 national competitions, choreographed 31 numbers (still 20 to go!!!), and now sit in this hot dorm room, with my favorite sister giving me grief about this damn blog...

So I'm in this hot dorm room because I, along with my sister have our state winning dance team at UDA camp. A completely intense 4 day experience which makes the team REALLY strong and unified. They're currently running around popping balloons and eating so much junk food they're gonna explode, but GOD I love them :) And more then anything I love spending time with my sister and our Jr. High coach JJ... it's nice to have some "girl time"

I miss my family at home while I'm on these excursions though. Rob is such a good husband and daddy. He never once gives me grief about my extra jobs and he takes such good care of our babies. He's kept himself busy this year hunting, traveling and spending time with family. Work is still good and he's still his insane upbeat self. Such a good reminder of how much I love him :) Sam is getting to be such a little man. He's 4 going on 20. He takes after his Daddy in the sence that you never know what he's gonna say or do next, he always finds a friend in people, and he's genuinely a funny little person. He loves fishing and hunting with Rob and then still loves to come dance at the studio with me... the perfect mixture of Mom and Dad :) Miss Sassy is 2 now and my LORD she's full of life. She wakes up and within 2 minutes you know what sort of day everyone will have. If she wakes up smiling it's gonna be great... she'll be agreeable and fun. If she wakes up crabby, LOOK OUT... she's a beast! It's a good thing she's so pretty, cause man she can be mean!!! She's an angel though that is a continuous reminder of living life with passion and energy.

Okay, so that is my year in a nutshell :)  I promise I'll get back into the swing of doing this daily (or a few times a week at least!)  I need to just remember to stop and take a breath :)