The exciting news of the week... Miss Maicey got her first haircut! I woke up on Wednesday morning and looked at her rats nest of hair and called IMMEDIATELY to make her appointment. So for two days we'd say, "who's gonna go get her haircut on Friday?" and she'd smile really big and say "Mai Mai!" So Friday rolls around and we're getting ready to go to Cookie Cutters where we purchased the WAY overpriced "first haircut package" and Rob asks me "what are you going to have them do to it?" and Sam pipes up from the back seat and says, "I think we should BIC it to look like mine!". I couldn't help it, I laughed at the thought of my little, always in a big huge bow princess with a shaved head! So we arrive at Cookie Cutters still laughing at Sam and the hair cut begins... We learned a few things about Maicey during this twenty minute excursion:
1. She does not like to be sprayed with water~ she would screech every time the poor lady spritzed her hair.
2. She is taking after her Tante T with her OCD tendancies~ she dropped an entire basket full of barretts that the lady gave her to keep her occupied and would not allow the haircut to continue until every last one was picked up and placed back in the basket.
3. She hates hair driers~ I mean it she hates them. She was crying so hard and being the mean mom that I am all that I could think to do was get out the video camera... it was funny, I couldn't help it!
She looks so big and it makes me sad that she's growing up, but it's another milestone that I've passed without too many tears... yet another reminder to stop moving so quickly and just take a breath...
11 years ago
We need a picture!