Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hello muscles... where have you been?

About a week ago, my bff Jenny informed me she was going to begin Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.  It is a DVD that is only 20 minutes long that can help you lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days.  So, being the good friend that I am, I offer to do it with her.  We decide to begin this past Monday, so I got my weights out, turned the DVD on and began my workout... by 8 minutes in I was ready to throw my weights at the screen.  I like to think of myself as a fairly active person.  I teach 4 days a week, I go to the gym regularly... but I'm telling you, this workout was HARD.  I finished strong, but I was already hurting.  As I went to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water I realized that there was water on the floor... from the cup that was in my hand.  I was shaking so hard that over half of it had spilled out onto the floor.  I braced myself for the next day...

Tuesday morning I opened my eyes and tried to sit up: WASN'T GONNA HAPPEN.  I rolled myself over and walked slowly towards the stairs where I stood at the bottom for a good 5 minutes analyzing the situation before I could even take the first step.  I have no idea how, but I eventually made it up the stairs where I promptly texted Jenny to inform her I hated her :)  Every single muscle in my body hurt worse then they ever had before.  As I tried to sit or stand, my thigh muscles burned so badly I would let out an audible "ughhhh" EVERY time.  As I got myself ready, I realized that I couldn't raise my arm up enough to brush my hair.  I literally had to lower my head to my hand to brush it... the price of beauty I tell ya!  Then I had to teach my tot classes and as we were doing "bouncing knees" I had to bite my tongue to not curse out loud in the middle of my 3 year olds.  The worst part of Tuesday though was that I had to do the workout again... I cringed at the thought and was literally in tears by the end of it.  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?  I was wondering for a moment which it would be that Tuesday though...

So now we're on Day 4... still in Level 1, but we've gotten some more friends to join our "Jillian club".  There's 5 of us now doing it, and complaining about it, together...  It'll all be worth it in the long run!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Princess Maicey

A princess party for our princess!

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...  even though I was crying because Aunt Jenny saved my life when I tried to eat a poison packet out of one of my presents...

My new bike from Grandma and Grandpa (and blogger is being dumb and won't let me flip the picture.... UGH!!!!)

These cakes were adorable, but you wouldn't let anyone eat them...

Oh princess Maicey... you sure are special :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

"But I like my teeth IN my mouth!!!!"

On a quiet Tuesday evening in the Munn house, we were sitting on the couch chatting about our day and Sam very calmly says, "Mom, why's my tooth wiggling?!" All of our quiet moments were gone in a second.  Since he is only 4 years old we had never even explained the idea of losing teeth, so I tried to give him a VERY quick rundown of how it works: wiggly tooth, it falls out, tooth fairy... Sam stopped me at the "it falls out" part with a SHRIEK unlike I've ever heard.  "But mom, I like my teeth in my mouth!!!  How will I chew up my fruit snacks?!"  After approximately 20 minutes of crying and fussing, talking on the phone with Oma, and me taking pictures of course, we finally convinced Sam that it had to come out.  He sat calmly on the counter while Rob looped a piece of string around the little tooth and pulled.  We cheered and screamed and called everyone we knew to tell them the good news.  All of a sudden, Maicey is sobbing her eyes out... "I don't want that fairy in my house!!!!"  One drama after another... how many more teeth do we have to lose in our house?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Where has the time gone?

Three years ago right now I was running around my house frantically packing my bags and kissing my baby boy knowing that our lives would never be the same.  The next morning we headed to the hospital for a full day of labor, working hard to get my beautiful baby girl into this world.  At 11:59PM stubborn Maicey Kay Munn finally came into the world at a healthy 9 lbs 5 oz and 21inches long.  From that moment on, our family became complete.  As she grew she continued her stubborn streak, always pushing us to our limits, making us laugh along the way, and wrapping us around her perfect little finger.  She's been a blessing to our lives and today and always we celebrate her being in our lives!  Happy 3rd birthday Maicey Munn, we love you!

Monday, January 3, 2011

I swear it's my New Year's Resolution people...

Okay, I know you're probably ready to give up on me... I don't blame you!  I admit it, I'm a terrible blogger in 2010.  It's a new year and I assure you I'll do better! 

The last 6 weeks in the Munn home have been a little OC... that's our way of saying Outta Control in our world :)  Between Thanksgiving, a cruise to the Bahamas, 5 Christmas celebrations, and a major house renovation, I'm EXHAUSTED to say the least!  So here's the recap:

Thanksgiving was spent at the Munn's side this year.  It was a wonderful day of family and yummy food.  The highlight of the weekend was heading out to shop on black Friday.  We left home at 10pm and arrived home at 9 the next morning.  It was a night of CRAZINESS and lots of family memories to say the least!

In mid December, Rob and I headed out to Maryland to spend some time with my amazing aunt and uncle and cousins.  They have this MASSIVE Christmas party complete with more food then you could ever eat, karaoke, and maybe a few adult beverages... just a few though :)  It was a blast... til the next morning flying to Miami to catch our cruise ship!

 The cruise to the Bahama's was AMAZING.  It was our first chance to travel as a married couple since our honeymoon.  It was so great to eat a hot meal together and remember what it was like to be in love and in tune with each other.  It was also LOVELY to soak up some sunshine while it was -6 here in Iowa :)  It was a wonderful week of time with each other before the madness of the holidays began.

Christmas needs it's own post, so that shall be in the works this week.  Until then, join me in my New Year's resolution to take a moment, and take a breath!  Happy 2011 to all!